10 Reasons Why “Good Old Email” Is Still the Best

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, trends come and go. But amidst the never-ending stream of fleeting fads and emerging technologies, email remains a constant and effective tool for increasing brand awareness and driving actionable conversions. But Freddie, it’s 2023… surely Ray Tomlinson’s 52-year-old ARPANET messaging system can’t still be the top dog in

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7 Common Startup Myths… 8 Years Later

The year is 2013—your friends probably convinced you to download Instagram by now, you’re finally trying this “Uber” thing to the airport, “startup” is a buzzword, and Shark Tank has taught us all how to pitch. We’re taking our big ideas seriously! (Or at least contemplating it.) Eight years and a pandemic later, we’ve demystified

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Why Your Startup Needs A Founder’s Agreement

Building a high-growth tech startup is a team sport that requires a variety of people with different skill sets. While most of your core team can be acquired/hired, having one or more co-founders can be very helpful, particularly in the early days of the company. It’s not uncommon to see a founding team made up

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