Wireless Environment Grows Company, Products And Revenue In 2016

As wireless lighting pioneer Wireless Environment, LLC approaches its 10thanniversary on November 28, it continues to work toward a record year of sales and employee growth.

The company aims to make 2016 its biggest year yet, launching seven new products, 100 percent employee growth from 2015, and plans to grow revenue 60 percent by December 31.

Although 90 percent of startups fail, the company, which creates the Mr Beams brand of wireless LED lighting solutions, has found its formula for success to not only grow but to lead in its industry.

“We live wireless lighting,” says David Levine, president, CEO and co-founder of Wireless Environment. “Our passion drives us to develop superior solutions to improve safety and security throughout the world.

“In 2016, we tripled our new product introductions and showed the world what is possible in wireless light fixtures. Product innovation separates us from our competitors and helped us achieve 60% growth in 2016.”

Co-founders David Levine and Mike Recker started small: a handful of products, some local startup funding, and an idea – battery-powered LED lights that anyone can install anywhere without wires. Turns out, consumers loved it.

Read the full release at Venture Beat.